In programming, my strongest interests have always been in
systems : languages, utilities, operating systems design,
and embedded programming are all fascinating to me.
I have been working (fitfully) on designing
JANOS, a portable, distributed operating
system (yeah, go ahead, laugh. Call me mad, eh? I'll show
you all, bwahahaha!).
I've collected a library of
on OS theory and design, and a group of OS related links.I am also the
author/maintainer of a FAQ on the
subject of OS design and implementation.
Net Worthlessness
I spend far too much time NIFOTC, but you probably already guessed
that. Favorite diversions of mine include the late and much
lamented Dysfunctional Family Circus and the
Sith Academy fanfiction site.
However, the main time sinks in my life at this time are webcomics, a
large number of which I follow regularly.
I have been a RPG gamer since I was in elementary school, and have recently
gotten back into active gaming after a hiatus of some years. My longest running
character to date was Alexis, a
Cultist of Ecstasy in the now deceased An Artificial Night
WoD chronicle.
OK, I'll admit it : I'm an SF and Fantasy fan (big shocker, huh?).
I've even written some really poor
fanfic to prove it.
Politics and Other Wastes of Time
I've written a bunch of
satirical political and social essays,
some of which are actually comprehensible. I'm not sure why I mention
this, tho'. No one really cares, not even me.
Oh, and there's some kind of religious thing here too. I don't remember what that's about.
On a more serious note, I sometimes get involved in Bisexual
and Polyamory related politics. Mostly for the oral sex, of course.
Almost everyone in my family, it seems, is a good cook. James, my
brother, went to Johnson and Wales for restaurant management. My
mother was always good with nice, solid meals, and enjoys cooking
when she can; my father tends to be more daring, playing around with
things like apple-juice crepes and a dozen kinds of chili peppers
(not at the same time, fortunately).
Me? I go for Gonzo Cookery, the far side of the stove. While its been a while since I've done much that's wierd, I have been collecting the odd recipe now and then (sadly, I lost a lot of them over time). If you've got a good'un, send it my way...
On the other hand, I love the idea of regular stable meals too. Sometimes the simplest meals can be best, especially when you've gone to a lot of work for it. But I've got my own spin on this, too: I like to start from scratch with even the simplest staples. Bread, cheese, saurkraut, spaghetti sauce, even beer; baking, pickling, brewing, cheesemaking, all it, when I can. The fact that I can't most of the time saddens me deeply.